Volume 11 (2022)
Volume 10 (2021)
Volume 9 (2020)
Volume 8 (2019)
Volume 7 (2018)
Volume 6 (2017)
Volume 5 (2016)
Volume 4 (2015)
Volume 3 (2014)
Volume 2 (2013)
Volume 1 (2012)
Number of Volumes 12
Number of Issues 24
Number of Articles 214
Number of Contributors 401
Article View 505,187
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View Per Article 2360.69
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Number of Submissions 882
Rejected Submissions 382
Reject Rate 43
Accepted Submissions 138
Acceptance Rate 16
Time to Accept (Days) 143
Number of Indexing Databases 13
Number of Reviewers 101

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Issues in Language Teaching is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by Allameh Tabataba’i University, the leading university in Humanities and Social Sciences in Iran. Issues in Language Teaching has been established to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers working on issues related to language and language teaching. The Journal was founded as a response to quick advancements in language teaching and was dedicated to the publication of highest-quality research studies that report findings on issues of great concern to the profession of language teaching.   

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Research Paper Education
Factors Determining the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of the Iranian Preservice English Teachers

Mojtaba Maghsoudi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 1-30


  This study aimed at describing a causal model of variables influencing preservice EFL teachers΄ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK). A descriptive correlational design was used to meet the objective of the study, therefore, 138 (67 male and 71 female) fourth-year student teachers in ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Navigating the Mediating Role of Immunity, Buoyancy, and Emotion Regulation to L2 Grit and Mindfulness Among EFL Teachers

Ehsan Namaziandost; Tahereh Heydarnejad; Afsheen Rezai

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 31-65


  The importance of studying teachers' professional well-being has increased greatly in recent years. However, researchers have not paid enough attention to how teachers' levels of immunity, buoyancy, and emotion regulation (ER) in the classroom all play a role in shaping teachers’ L2 grit and mindfulness. ...  Read More

Research Paper Education
A Philosophical Problematisation of Research on EFL/ESL Teachers’ Cognition vs. Action: A Critical Interpretive Synthesis

Seyed Behrouz Behzadi; Nasser Rashidi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 67-118


  Teacher cognition, as a chief area within teacher education, is concerned with what teachers think, know, and do (Borg, 2003). One of the knotty strands emerging out of the past 50 or so years of research on teacher cognition is the misalignment between teachers’ cognition and practice. This study ...  Read More

Research Paper Interlanguage Pragmatics (ILP)
An Exploration into the Role of Pragmatic Learning Strategies and Gender in Game-based Group Dynamic Assessment

Saba . Bashiri; Saman . Ebadi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 119-150


  In line with Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory (SCT) of mind, digital game-based language learning (DGBL) and dynamic assessment (DA) offer language learning opportunities via sociocultural engagement. This quantitative study explored the role of pragmatic learning strategies (PLSs) and gender in ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Impact of the Neurolinguistic Approach on English Language Learners’ Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of English Articles

Marzieh Bagherkazemi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 151-180


  The neurolinguistic approach (NLA) nests the claim that both internal and external grammars (i.e., implicit and explicit grammar knowledge) develop through an intensive orality-based pedagogy. The present study put this claim to the test focusing on Iranian English language learners’ development ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
The Effect of Task Familiarity Ordering on Listening Task Complexity

Bahman Amini; Abbas Bayat; Keyvan Mahmoodi

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 181-215


  In recent decades, many second language acquisition (SLA) researchers have identified the leading role of organizing sequentially cognitive tasks in Task-Based Language Teaching. Presenting types of different task sequence has become increasingly crucial for syllabus designers. This investigation examines ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Developing Learner Autonomy: Novice and Experienced EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Strategies

Shiva Kaivanpanah; Awat Mohammed

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 217-242


  Teachers’ beliefs play a determining role in the decisions they make and the strategies they employ to foster learner autonomy. Therefore, their beliefs and the strategies they use to foster autonomy merit additional empirical evidence. This study investigated the beliefs of 85 English as a Foreign ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Contributions of Achievement Emotions to Male and Female EFL Learners’ Language Achievement

Forough Hosseinian Ahanghar Nezhad; Touran Ahour; Nasrin Hadidi Tamjid

Volume 12, Issue 2 , December 2023, Pages 243-277


  In keeping with Control-Value Theory (CVT), learners’ achievement emotions and language achievement can affect e‌ach other. The flexibility of learners in academic settings can be a refugee from academic difficulties, and protect learners from discouragement after a negative emotional experience ...  Read More

A Rhetorical Move Analysis of TEFL Thesis Abstracts: The Case of Allameh Tabataba’i University

Amir Zand-Moghadam; hossein mihami

Volume 5, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 23-1


  Abstract in every research paper has always been functioning as an attention-grabber which can encourage readers to keep reading the research or to dissuade it. Although abstracts are believed to play an important role in distributing the research findings, few studies have been done to evaluate the ...  Read More

L2 Learners’ Use of Metadiscourse Markers in Online Discussion Forums

zis tajeddin; minoo alemi

Volume 1, Issue 1 , June 2012, , Pages 93-122

  This study aimed to investigate the use of interactional metadiscourse markers in 168 comments made by 28 university students of engineering via an educational forum held as part of a general English course. The students wrote their comments on six topics, with a total of 19,671 words. Their comments ...  Read More

Construction of Evaluative Meanings by Kurdish-Speaking Learners of English: A Comparison of High- and Low-Graded Argumentative Essays

Alireza Jalilifar; Ali Hemmati

Volume 2, Issue 2 , December 2013, , Pages 57-84

  Academic writing ability is an important goal that learners of English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) try to attain. While ESL students’ academic writings have been widely explored, owing to few studies investigating appraisal resources in EFL students’ ...  Read More

Comparative Textbook Evaluation: Representation of Learning Objectives in Locally and Internationally Published ELT Textbooks

Ali Dabbagh; Alireza Safaei

Volume 8, Issue 1 , June 2019, , Pages 249-277


  The present study evaluated the learning objectives represented in the recent Iranian nation-wide ELT textbooks, i.e. Prospect and Vision series, and compared them to those in the internationally-published textbook of Four Corners. To this end, Bloom’s revised taxonomy of learning objectives was ...  Read More

The Construct of Willingness to Communicate and Its Relationship with EFL Learners’ Perceived Verbal and Nonverbal Teacher Immediacy

Maryam Gol; Amir Zand-Moghadam; Mohseni Karrab

Volume 3, Issue 1 , June 2014, , Pages 160-135

  Given the fact that developing an intimate relationship between teacher and students creates a safe learning environment (Harran, 2006), and because teacher immediacy is proved to increase students’ motivation for learning (Velez & Cano, 2008), this study was an attempt to explore the relationship ...  Read More

Research Paper Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
The Effects of Scaffolding Techniques on IELTS Candidates' Horizontal Grammatical Variability: A Mixed Method Study

Hamed Abbasi Mojdehi; Abbas Ali Zarei; Rajab Esfandiari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 12 October 2022


  Grammatical accuracy has always been a concern for most Iranian EFL learners. This grammatical variability is more visible in the writing of Iranian IELTS candidates. In this study, the impacts of (distributed, peer and reciprocal scaffolding on IELTS learners' horizontal grammatical variability ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
A Five-Factor Model of Motivational Self-Guides: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

majid Ghorbani; shokouh Rashvand Semiyari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 September 2023


  The current study undertook to explore the interplay of motivational/attitudinal variables and second language (L2) learners’ motivated behavior through the lens of a revised model of L2 self-guides. This new model reconceptualizes Dornyei’s (2005, 2009) original motivational self-system ...  Read More

Research Paper Discourse Analysis
Pre and Post-Islamic Revolution Obituaries in Iran: Did Ideology change the Move?

Saba Bashiri; Hiwa Weisi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 December 2023


  Obituaries serve as the most viable means to announce a person's death. Regarding the socio-political changes in Iran due to the Islamic Revolution, this descriptive-analytic study reports on a move-based analysis of obituaries belonging before and after the Islamic Revolution driven by Swales' ...  Read More

Research Paper Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
Exploring Iranian EFL learners' Attitudes toward Classroom Practices of CLT

Mahsa Seirafi; Masoud Zoghi; Haniyeh Davatgari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 June 2024


  This study delves into the attitudes of Iranian English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners toward the classroom practices of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). It endeavors to present a comprehensive understanding of the current state of CLT in Iran, the associated challenges, and potential avenues ...  Read More

Research Paper Testing
Iranian EFL Writing Raters’ Behaviors When Interacting with Analytic and Holistic Rating Scales

Narjes Khodaparast; Nasim Ghanbari; Abbas Abbasi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 30 June 2024


  Among different factors affecting writing assessment, rater and rating scale are two influential variables which determine the outcome of assessment. Taking this into account, this study attempted to identify and classify the raters’ behaviors in the Iranian EFL context when using analytic and ...  Read More

Research Paper Testing
Developing and Validating a Questionnaire to Assess EFL Teachers` Classroom-Based Assessment Literacy

Elham Banisaeed; Mohammad Hashamdar; Kobra Tavassoli

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 July 2024


  Classroom-based assessment (CBA) as one of the constructs of formative assessment has been considered highly significant in recent years. Consequently, various tools have been designed to investigate teachers` CBA needs and deficiencies ignoring different levels of teachers` CBA literacy. Thus, the present ...  Read More

Research Paper CALL & MALL
Predicting Technology Use in EFL Instruction: The Roles of Teacher Self-Efficacy and Technology Self-Efficacy

Milad Naderi; Jalil Fathi; Habib Soleimani

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 July 2024


  With the widespread use of technology in today's society, the effective integration of technology in education has become a vital area of research, particularly in teacher education. Teacher variables play a crucial role in the successful incorporation of technology in the classroom. Consequently, ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic influence in the use of L3 French prepositions: A stimulated recall content analysis

Farhang Daneshfard; Mahboobeh Saadat

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 22 July 2024


  Investigation of cross-linguistic influence (CLI) using stimulated recall can be revealing at the level of cognition. Cross-linguistic and intra-linguistic influence in the use of French prepositions for Iranian L1 Persian/L2 English/L3 French learners was thus explored in this study. Data were gathered ...  Read More

Research Paper Education
EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Academic Favoritism: A Questionnaire Development and Validation Study

Mahnaz Mostafaei Alaei; Mahya Alaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 02 August 2024


  Although the concept of favoritism has received attention in various areas of study such as management, business, and medical settings, this line of research has scarcely been explored in teacher education and especially in L2 acquisition context. The current study aimed to design and validate a scale ...  Read More

Research Paper Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
Examining L2 Learners' Performance on Implicit and Explicit Measures: The Role of Grammaticality and Structure Difficulty

Sepideh Mehraein; Hamideh Marefat

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 August 2024


  Extensive research exists on the effects of task design features on measuring L2 learners’ implicit and explicit knowledge. However, the role of structure difficulty has received limited attention. Additionally, the use of fine-grained measures of implicit knowledge has remained underexplored. ...  Read More

Research Paper Applied Linguistics
Unboxing Practical Strategies in University Curriculum in The Light of Artificial Intelligence: An Insight into The Effects on Intellectual Awareness, Emotional Intelligence, Motivation, And Creativity

Goodarz Shakibaei; Seyyed Mohammad Ali Soozandehfar; Fatemeh Owliaei; Arash Hashemifardnia

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 21 August 2024


  The goal of this inquiry was to scrutinize how Iranian university students' motivation, creativity, emotional intelligence (EI), and intellectual awareness (IA) were affected by artificial intelligence (AI). Sixty Iranian university students in Ahvaz, Iran, were chosen based on a convenience sampling ...  Read More

Research Paper Discourse Analysis
Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Analysis of Engagement Markers in Academic Writing: Contrasting Native and Non-native (Iranian) Authorship in Hard and Soft Sciences Research Articles

Parviz Ajideh; Mohammad Zohrabi; Rougia Oghbatalab

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 23 August 2024


  In academic discourse across diverse fields, the cultivation of authorial competence in crafting compelling and persuasive texts is of paramount importance. Scholars in the field of linguistics, particularly those involved in discourse analysis, have been attentive to this necessity. Within the realm ...  Read More

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