مقاله پژوهشی
EFL Teachers’ Reconstruction of Student-Writers’ Intentions in Erroneous Sentences: The Role of Context

مقصود علیزاده سالطه؛ اکتای یاغیز؛ کریم صادقی

دوره 2، شماره 1 ، تیر 1392، صفحه 27-54

  Writing is an important skill and a valuable part of any language course, and feedback is an important aspect of teaching writing. Teachers customarily give feeedback, or write comments on the students’ papers to revise their writing, and, at times, they embark on reconstructing and providing the correct form of the segment of the discourse that they feel needs repairing. However, they have not been very successful in this undertaking. To find out the extent to which teachers correctly understand writers’ intended meaning when providing them with revision feedabck (as well the function ...  بیشتر