Examining the Dynamic Interface between Motivation and Affect in Foreign Language Development with the Moderating Role of Gender and Working Memory

Shokouh Rashvand Semiyari; Majid Ghorbani

Volume 12, Issue 1 , June 2023, , Pages 337-376

  Motivation and affect as two salient variables in L2 development are no longer seen as the stable individual difference factors they were once believed to be. Influenced by process-oriented approaches and by increasing understanding of how the complex dynamic system theory (CDST) works, researchers have ...  Read More

L2 Learners’ Strategy Preference in Metaphorical Test Performance: Effects of Working Memory and Cognitive Style

Mahmood Hashemian; Batool Fadaei

Volume 1, Issue 2 , December 2012, , Pages 297-321

  Although investigating the factors that influence test scores is important, a majority of stakeholders show a paucity of attention towards individual learner differences due to having large classes of L2 learners. This study sought to explore the possible effect of working memory and cognitive style ...  Read More